Basic Usage

CLAP is a platform to start, stop and manage cloud’s instances (called CLAP nodes or simply, nodes) at different cloud providers transparently, based on configuration files. Also, it offers mechanisms to perform actions via SSH commands or Ansible playbooks in single nodes or in a set of nodes in a row. To provide this, in a modular way, CLAP provides modules to allow performing several operations. You can use clapp --help command to list the available modules.

The most common modules are: node, role and cluster.

Node Module

The node module provides mechanisms to create, manage and interact with cloud’s instances. It provides the following features:

  • Start nodes based on the instance templates with the start command.

  • Stop (terminate) already started nodes using the stop command.

  • Pause or resume already instantiated nodes using the pause and resume commands, respectively.

  • Check the status of a node (if its accessible by SSH) using the alive command.

  • List started nodes using the list command.

  • Execute a shell command via SSH, using the execute command.

  • Execute an Ansible Playbook using the playbook command.

  • Obtain a shell session (via SSH) using the connect command.

  • Add and remove tags from nodes using add-tag and remove-tag commands.

  • List all available instance templates configurations using the list-templates command.

All these commands are detailed below.

Command node start

To launch a cloud’s instance based on an instance template, defined in the ~/.clap/configs/instances.yaml file, you can use the command below, where the ubuntu-instance-aws refers to the instance template ID defined in the ~/.clap/configs/instances.yaml file. In this way, you need to configure the files only once and launch instances at any time.

clapp node start ubuntu-instance-aws

Once instances are successfully started, CLAP will assign an unique node ID to each instance, used to perform other CLAP operation. Also, CLAP will try to login at the instance with the login information provided, via SSH.

To launch more than one instance with the same instance template ID, you can put the desired number after the instance template ID preceded by an : character. For instance, the command below, launches 4 ubuntu-instance-aws instances in a row.

clapp node start ubuntu-instance-aws:4

You can also launch different instances in a row using the same command, but just appending more instance template IDs to it, as below. The above command launches 2 ubuntu-instance-aws VMs and 2 example-instance-aws VMs in a row.

clapp node start ubuntu-instance-aws:2 example-instance-aws:2

Command node list

The clapp node list command can be used to show managed CLAP’s nodes. An example output of this command is shown below.

* Node: ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3, config: type-a, nickname: MarjoryLang, status: reachable, ip:, tags: {}, roles: [], creation at: 21-05-21 14:11:55
Listed 1 nodes

The node id (ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 in the above example) is used across all other modules and commands to perform commands in this node.

Command node alive

This command updates several node’s information (such as IP) and check if the node is reachable (if a SSH connection can be established).

The node’s status can be:

  • started: when the VM is up.

  • reachable: when the VM is up and a SSH connection was successfully established.

  • unreachable: when the SHH connection was not successfully established.

  • paused: when VM is paused.

  • stopped: when VM is terminated.


CLAP does not check the status of VM periodically. Use this command to update node status and information.

Command node stop

The clapp node stop command can be used to terminate an running VM (destroying it). The syntax is shown below:

Command node pause

The clapp node pause command can be used to pause an running instance. When a node is paused, its status is changed to paused and its public IP is changed to None.


The command has no effect for nodes that already been paused.

Command node resume

The clapp node resume command can be used to resume a paused instance. When a node is resumed, it status is changed to started. Then, it checked if it is alive, testing its connection and updating its public IP (and changing its status to reachable).


The command has no effect at nodes that were not paused. It will only check for its aliveness.

Command node connect

The clapp node connect command can be used to obtain a shell to a specific node.


The connection may fail if node has an invalid public IP or a invalid login information. You may want to check if node is alive first to update node’s information.

Command node execute

The clapp node execute command can be used to execute a shell command on an reachable node. The syntax is shown below:

Usage: clapp node execute [OPTIONS] [NODE_ID]...

  Execute a shell command in nodes (via SSH)

  -t, --tags TEXT        Filter nodes by tags. There are two formats: <key> or
  -cmd, --command TEXT   Shell Command to be executed in nodes  [required]
  --timeout INTEGER      Timeout to execute command in host (0 to no timeout)
                         [default: 0]
  -a, --additional TEXT  Additional arguments to connection. Format:
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

One or more nodes can be passed as argument, or can be selected based on their tags. The --command parameter specify the command that will be executed in nodes.

An example is shown below, executing a simple ls -lha command in the node ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3

clapp node execute ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -cmd "ls -lha"

And the result:

------------------------ ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 ------------------------
return code ebcd658b: 0
stdout ebcd658b: drwxr-xr-x 5 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K May 21 17:12 .
stdout ebcd658b: drwxr-xr-x 3 root   root   4.0K May 21 17:12 ..
stdout ebcd658b: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  220 Apr  4  2018 .bash_logout
stdout ebcd658b: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3.7K Apr  4  2018 .bashrc
stdout ebcd658b: drwx------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K May 21 17:12 .cache
stdout ebcd658b: drwx------ 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K May 21 17:12 .gnupg
stdout ebcd658b: -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  807 Apr  4  2018 .profile
stdout ebcd658b: drwx------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K May 21 17:12 .ssh


You may want to check for nodes aliveness first.

Command node playbook

The clapp node playbook command can be used to execute an Ansible playbook in a set of reachable nodes. The syntax is shown below:

clapp node playbook [OPTIONS] [NODE_ID]...

    Execute an Ansible playbook in a set of nodes.

    The NODE_ID argument is a list of strings (optional) and can filter nodes to
    execute the playbook by their node ids

    -p, --playbook TEXT    Path of the playbook to be executed  [required]
    -t, --tags TEXT        Filter nodes by tags. There are two formats: <key> or
    -e, --extra TEXT       Extra variables to be passed. Format: <key>=<val>
    -nv, --node-vars TEXT  Host variables to be passed. Format:
    --help                 Show this message and exit.

One or more nodes can be passed as argument, or can be selected based on their tags.

The --playbook parameter specify the playbook to execute in nodes.

The --extra parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to the playbook.

The --node-vars parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to a specific node when building the inventory.

An example is shown below. The playbook install_packages.yml is executed in node ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3. Extra playbook variables (in jinja format, e.g. “{{ var1 }}”) will be replaced by the extra variables informed. In the example below the playbook’s variable packages will be replaced by gcc.

clapp node playbook ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -p install_packages.yml -e "packages=gcc"

Command node add-tag

This clapp node add-tag command adds a tag to a set of nodes and has the following syntax:

Usage: clapp node add-tag [OPTIONS] NODE_ID...

  Add tags to a set of nodes.

  The NODE_ID argument is a list of node_ids to add tags.

  -t, --tags TEXT  Tags to add. Format: <key>=<val>  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.

One or more nodes can be passed as argument. The tags parameter must be a keyword value in the format key=value. You can add as many tags to a node as you want. An example of adding tags is shown below:

clapp node add-tag ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -t x=10

Where tag x=10 is added to nodes ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3.

Command node remove-tag

This clapp tag remove command removes a tag from a set of nodes and has the following syntax:

clapp node remove-tag [OPTIONS] NODE_ID...

  Remove tags from a set of nodes.

  The NODE_ID argument is a list of node_ids to remove tags.

  -t, --tags TEXT  Tags to remove. Format: <key>  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.

One or more nodes can be passed as argument. The tag parameter must be a string. The tags from nodes that matches to the informed tag is removed (tag and value).

Role Module

The role module allows to perform pre-defined actions to a set of nodes that belongs to a role. When a node is added to a role, it is said that this node is ready to perform tasks of this role. Thus, each role defines their set of specific actions that can be performed to nodes that belongs to that particular role.

In this way, the role module consists of three steps:

  1. Add nodes to a role.

  2. Perform role’s action to nodes that belongs to a role.

  3. Optionally, remove nodes from the group.

The nodes of a role can also be logically divided in hosts. Thus, role actions can be performed to all nodes of the role or to a subset of nodes of role (hosts).

CLAP’s roles and actions

Role’s actions are Ansible playbooks that are executed when an action is invoked (e.g. using role action command). By default CLAP’s roles are stored in the ~/.clap/roles/ directory and each role consists in at minimum of two files:

  • A YAML description file describing the actions that can be performed (and informing the playbook that must be called) and, optionally, the hosts (subset of role’s nodes to execute the playbook)

  • The Ansible Playbook called when each action is invoked.

You can see some roles shared with CLAP and their requirements at Roles shared with CLAP section.

Role description file

The role’s description files are python files placed at ~/.clap/groups/actions.d directory. The name of the YAML file defines the role’s name. Each role description file defines the key actions and, optionally, the hosts key. Inside actions key, each dictionary defines a role action where the key name is the action name and the values informs characteristic of that action.

An example role description file is shown below, for a role named commands-common (placed at ~/.clap/roles/actions.d/commands-common.yaml).

actions:                                                        # Defines the actions of this group
    setup:                                                      # Action called setup
        playbook: roles/commands-common_setup.yml               # Playbook to be executed when this group action is invoked

    copy:                                                       # Action called copy
        playbook: roles/commands-common_copy.yml                # Playbook to be executed when this group action is invoked
        description: Copy files from localhost to remote hosts  # Optional action's description
        vars:                                                   # Optional variables required
        - name: src                                             # src variable
          description: Source files/directory to be copied      # Optional variable's description
          optional: no                                          # Informs if this variable is optional
        - name: dest                                            # dest variable
          description: Destination directory where files will be placed # Optional variable's description

        playbook: roles/commands-common_fetch.yml
        description: Fetch files from remote hosts to localhost
        - name: src
          description: Source files/directory to be fetched
        - name: dest
          description: Destination directory where files will be placed

hosts:                                                          # (optional) List of hosts that are used in this role. The host name can be used in the playbooks.
- master
- slave


Action’s playbook is relative to the ~/.clap/roles/ directory.

For role’s description files, actions dictionary is required, and hosts optional. The keys inside actions dictionary are the action names and the possible values for each action are described in table below.

Valid values for actions






Playbook to be executed when this action is invoked. The path is relative to ~/.clap/roles/ directory.

description (optional)


Action’s descriptive information

vars (optional)

List of variable dictionaries

List informing variables needed for this action

And optionally, the actions can define their variables to use. The possible values are listed table below

Valid action’s values






Name of the variable

description (optional)


Variable’s descriptive information

optional (optional)


Inform if variable is optional (default is no)

Finally the hosts specify the hosts used by role actions. It’s optional and when specified Ansible playbooks can segment their execution using the hosts variable at each play. If no hosts are specified you must use hosts: all to perform the action over all nodes that belong to the role.

Command role list

The clapp role list command can be used to list all available role and their respective actions and hosts. An example of output is shown below

* name: commands-common
  Has 7 actions and 2 hosts defined
    actions: copy, fetch, install-packages, reboot, run-command, run-script, update-packages
    hosts: h1, h2

* name: ec2-efs
  Has 3 actions and 0 hosts defined
    actions: mount, setup, unmount

* name: spits
  Has 6 actions and 2 hosts defined
    actions: add-nodes, job-copy, job-create, job-status, setup, start
    hosts: jobmanager, taskmanager

Listed 3 roles

Command role add

The clapp role add command can be used to add a node to a role. The syntax is shown below:

clapp role add [OPTIONS] ROLE

  Add a set of nodes to a role.

  The ROLE argument specify the role which the nodes will be added.

  -n, --node TEXT        Nodes to be added. Can use multiple "-n" commands and
                         it can be a list of colon-separated nodes as
                         "<node>,<node>,..." or
                         "<role_host_name>:<node>,<node>". The formats are
                         mutually exclusive  [required]
  -nv, --node-vars TEXT  Node's arguments. Format
  -hv, --host-vars TEXT  Role's host arguments. Format
  -e, --extra TEXT       Extra arguments. Format <key>=<value>
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

The nodes can be supplied with --node parameter using two formats (mutually exclusive): with host or without host.

If the role does not define any host, nodes must be informed supplying only their node ids in the --node parameter. Multiple --node parameters can be used to indicate multiple nodes ids. Besides that, multiple nodes ids can be passed to --node parameter by separating them with comma. The both examples below add nodes ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 and 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105 to role commands-common.

clapp role add commands-common -n ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -n 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105
clapp role add commands-common -n ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3,455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105

If the role defines one or more hosts, the --node parameter can be supplied with the “<node>,<node>,…” format (1) or with the “<role_host_name>:<node>,<node>” format (2) (both are mutually exclusive). If the format (1) is used, the nodes are added to all role’s hosts defined . Two examples are shown below, one for format (1) and other for format (2).

clapp role add commands-common -n ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -n 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105
clapp role add commands-common -n masters:ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -n slaves:455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105

Supposing the role commands-common defines 2 hosts: masters and slaves, the first one adds nodes ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 and ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 to both role’s host. The second one adds node ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 as commands-common masters and node 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105 as commands-common slaves host.

The --extra parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to the playbook.

The --node-vars parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to a specific node when building the inventory.

The --host-vars parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to a hosts.


If the role’s setup action is defined this action is immediately executed when adding a role to a node. If this action fails, the node is not added to the role.

Command role action

The clapp role action command can be used to perform an action in all nodes belonging to a particular role. The syntax is shown below:

clapp role action [OPTIONS] ROLE

  Perform an group action at a set of nodes.

  The ROLE argument specify the role which the action will be performed.

  -a, --action TEXT      Name of the group's action to perform  [required]
  -n, --node TEXT        Nodes to perform the action. Can use multiple "-n"
                         commands and it can be a list of colon-separated node
                         as "<node>,<node>,..." or
                         "<role_host_name>:<node>,<node>". The formats are
                         mutually exclusive. If not is passed, the action will
                         be performed in all nodes that belongs to the role.
  -nv, --node-vars TEXT  Node's arguments. Format
  -hv, --host-vars TEXT  Role's host arguments. Format
  -e, --extra TEXT       Extra arguments. Format <key>=<value>
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

The --node parameter is optional and if is not supplied, the role action will be executed in all nodes that belongs to the role. If --node parameter is supplied it may be in two formats (mutually exclusive): with host or without host.

If nodes are informed in format without host, the selected nodes will be automatically placed in their correct hosts (if any). Otherwise, the nodes will be placed in informed hosts.

Examples are shown below:

clapp role action commands-common -a install-packages -n ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -e packages=gcc
clapp role action commands-common -a install-packages -n masters:ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -e packages=gcc
clapp role action commands-common -a install-packages -e packages=gcc

The first command perform install-packages action, from commands-common role in nodes ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3. The node’s hosts are the same when the nodes added. The second command perform install-packages action, from commands-common role in node ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3. The node’s hosts acts only as masters, additional hosts from this node are discarded. The last command perform install-packages action, from commands-common role at all nodes that belongs to commands-common. For all commands, the extra variable package with value gcc is passed.

The --extra parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to the playbook.

The --node-vars parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to a specific node when building the inventory.

The --host-vars parameter can be used to pass keyword arguments to a hosts.

Command role remove

The clapp role action command can be used to perform an action in all nodes belonging to a particular role. The syntax is shown below:

clapp role remove [OPTIONS] ROLE

  Perform an group action at a set of nodes.

  The ROLE argument specify the role which the action will be performed.

  -n, --node TEXT  Nodes to perform the action. Can use multiple "-n" commands
                   and it can be a list of colon-separated node as
                   "<node>,<node>,..." or "<role_host_name>:<node>,<node>".
                   The formats are mutually exclusive. If not is passed, the
                   action will be performed in all nodes that belongs to the
                   role.  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.

The --node parameter is used to inform the nodes to remove from a role. The parameter can be supplied using two formats (mutually exclusive): with host or without host. If host is passed, the node is removed from the host’s role else the node is removed from all hosts in the role (if any). An example is shown below:

clapp role remove commands-common -n ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -n 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105
clapp role remove commands-common -n masters:ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 -n slaves:455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105

The first example remove nodes ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 and 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105 from role commands-common and from all commands-common role hosts (if any). The second example removes node ebcd658bacdf485487543cbcc721d1b3 from host called masters from commands-common role and node 455e9c5da5c4417abc757f587a31c105 from hosts called slaves from commands-common role.

Cluster Module

The cluster module allows CLAP to work with cluster, which is a set of CLAP’s nodes tagged with a specific tag. A CLAP’s cluster is created taking as input configuration files, in YAML format, which will create nodes and setup each of them properly. After created, the cluster can be resized (adding or removing nodes), paused, resumed, stopped, among other things.

By default, the CLAP’s cluster module will find configurations inside ~/clap/configs/clusters directory. At next sections, we will assume that files will be created inside this directory (in .yaml format).

The next section will guide you to write a cluster configuration and then, module’s commands will be presented.

Cluster Configuration

To create a CLAP’s cluster you will need to write:

  • Setup configuration sections: which define a series of groups and actions that must be performed.

  • Cluster configuration sections: which define a set of nodes that must be created and the setups that must be performed in each node.

Setups and cluster section may be written in multiple different files (or at the same file), as CLAP’s cluster modules will read all files (and setups and clusters configurations, respectively) inside the cluster’s directory.

Setup Configuration Sections

Setup configuration sections define a series of roles and/or actions that must be performed at cluster’s nodes. An example of a setup configuration section is shown below.

# Setup configurations must be declared inside setups key

    # This is a setup configuration called setup-common
        - name: commands-common         # Add nodes to commands-common role
        - name: another-role            # Add nodes to another-role role
        - role: commands-common
          action: update-packages       # Perform action update-packages from role commands-common
        - command: "git init"           # Perform shell command 'git init'

    # This is a setup configuration called setup-spits-jobmanager
        - name: spits/jobmanager        # Add nodes to spits' role as jobmanager host

    # This is a setup configuration called setup-spits-taskmanager
        - name: spits/taskmanager       # Add nodes to spits' role as taskmanager host

Setup configurations must be written inside setups YAML-dictionary. You can define as many setup configurations as you want, even at different files but each one must have a unique name. Inside the setups section, each dictionary represents a setup configuration. The dictionary key (setup-common, setup-spits-jobmanager and setup-spits-taskmanager in above example) represent the setup configuration ID.

Each setup configuration may contain two dictionaries: roles and actions (both are optional). Both sections, for a setup configuration is described in the next two subsections.

Roles key at setups configuration

The role section inside a setup configuration tells to add nodes, whose perform this setup, to the defined roles. The roles section contains a list describing each role that the nodes must be added. Also, the role is always added in the order defined in the list.

Each element of the list must have a name key, which describe the name of the role that the node must be added. For instance, the setup-common at above example, defines two roles which nodes that perform this setup must be added: commands-common and another-role (in this order).

Optionally an extra key can be defined by each role, as a dictionary. The key and values is passed as extra parameter similar to the role add module command. For instance, the setup below, will add nodes that perform this setup (setup-common-2) to role example-role passing variables, foo and another_var with values bar and 10, respectively.

# Setup configurations must be declared inside setups key

    # This is a setup configuration called setup-common
        - name: example-group     # Add nodes to example-role role
            foo: bar
            another_var: 10

Actions key at an setups configuration

The actions section inside a setup configuration tells to perform actions at nodes which perform this setup. The actions section contains a list describing each action that must be performed (in order). There are three types of actions:

  • role action: will perform an role action. Thus, the role and action keys must be informed. The role key will tell the name of the role and the action key will tell which action from that role which will be performed. Optionally, an extra dictionary can be informed to pass keyword variables to the role’s action.

  • playbook: will execute an Ansible Playbook. Thus, the playbook key must be informed, telling the absolute path of the playbook that will be executed. Optionally an extra dictionary can be informed to pass keyword variables to the playbook.

  • command: will execute a shell command. Thus, the command key must be informed, telling which shell command must be executed.

Some action examples are briefly shown below:

# Setup configurations must be declared inside setups key

    # This is a setup configuration called setup-common. The actions are executed sequentially
        # Perform mount action from role nfs-client, passing the variable mount_path with value /mnt
        - action: mount
          role: nfs-client
            mount_path: /mnt
        # Execute the playbook /home/my-cool-ansible-playbook with an variable foo with value bar
        - playbook: /home/my-cool-ansible-playbook
            foo: bar
        # Execute a shell command: hostname
        - command: hostname
        # Perform reboot action from commands-common role
        - role: commands-common
          action: reboot


If a setup configuration contains both roles and actions sections, the roles section will always be executed before actions section.

Cluster Configuration Sections

The cluster configuration defines a set of nodes that must be created and setups that must be executed. Clusters are written inside clusters YAML-dictionary key and each dictionary inside clusters key denotes a cluster (where the dictionary key is the cluster’s name). Above is an example of a cluster configuration:

# Clusters must be defined inside clusters key
  # This is the cluster name
    # Nodes that must be created when a cluster is instantiated
      # Node named master-node
        type: aws-instance-t2.large   # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 1                      # Number of instances that must be created
        setups:                       # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the master-nodes is created (reference setup configuration names, at setups section)
        - another-example-setup
        - master-setup

      # Node named taskmanager
        type: aws-instance-t2.small  # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 2                     # Number of instances that must be created
        min_count: 1                 # Minimum desired number of instances that must effectively be created
        setups:                      # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the slave-nodes is created
        - setup-slave-node

Clusters must have the nodes section, which defines the nodes that must be created when the cluster is instantiated. As example above, each cluster’s node have a type (master-node and slave-node) and values, that specify the cluster’s node characteristics. Each node may have the values listed in is table below.

Cluster’s nodes valid parameters






Instance type that must to be created. The type must match the node name at instances.yaml file



Number of instances of this type to be launched

min_count (OPTIONAL)

Positive integer (less then or equal count parameter)

Minimum number of instances of this type that must effectively be launched. If this parameter is not supplied the value of count parameter is assumed


List of strings

List with the name of the setup configurations that must be executed after nodes are created

When a cluster is created, the instance types specified in the each node section is created with the desired count number. The cluster is considered created when all nodes are effectively created. The min_count parameter at each node specify the minimum number of instances of that type that must effectively be launched. If some instances could not be instantiated (or created wwith less than min_count parameter) the cluster creation process fails and all nodes are terminated.

After the cluster is created, i.e. the minimum number of nodes of each type is successfully created, the setups for each node is executed, in order. If some setup does not execute correctly, the cluster remains created and the setup phase can be executed again.

Controlling cluster’s setups execution phases

CLAP’s cluster module also offers some other facilities to configure the cluster. By default the cluster module create nodes and run the setup from each node type. You can control the flow of the setup execution using some optional keys at your cluster configuration. The keys: before_all, before, after and after_all can be plugged into a cluster’s configuration, in order to execute setups in different set of nodes, before and after the nodes setups. These keys takes a list of setups to execute. CLAP’s setup phases are executed in the order, as shown in table bellow.

Cluster’s setups execution phases (in order)

Phase name


before_all (#1)

Setups inside this key are executed in all cluster’s nodes before specific setup of the nodes (#3).

before (#2)

Setups inside this key are executed only in nodes that are currently being added to the cluster, before the setup specific setup of the nodes (#3). Its useful when resizing cluster, i.e., adding more nodes. This phase is always executed at cluster creation, as all created nodes are being added to the cluster.

node (#3)

The setup for each node is executed. The setup (inventory generated) is executed only at nodes of this type

after (#4)

Setups inside this key are executed only in nodes that are currently being added to the cluster, after the setup specific setup of the nodes (#3). Its useful when resizing cluster, i.e., adding more nodes. This phase is always executed at cluster creation, as all created nodes are being added to the cluster.

after_all (#5)

Setups inside this key are executed in all cluster’s nodes after specific setup of the nodes (#3).


All setups are optional

An example is shown below:

# Clusters must be defined inside clusters key
  # This is the cluster name
    # These setups are executed at all cluster's nodes, before setups at nodes section
    - my-custom-setup-1

    # These setups are executed at nodes that are currently being added to cluster, before setups at nodes section
    - my-custom-setup-2

    # These setups are executed at nodes that are currently being added to cluster, after setups at nodes section
    - my-custom-setup-3
    - my-custom-setup-4

    # These setups are executed at all cluster's nodes, after setups at nodes section
    - final_setup

    # Nodes that must be created when a cluster is instantiated
      # Node named master-node
        type: aws-instance-t2.large   # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 1                      # Number of instances that must be created
        setups:                       # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the master-nodes is created (reference setup configuration names, at setups section)
        - another-example-setup
        - master-setup

      # Node named taskmanager
        type: aws-instance-t2.small  # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 2                     # Number of instances that must be created
        min_count: 1                 # Minimum desired number of instances that must effectively be created
        setups:                      # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the slave-nodes is created
        - setup-slave-node

In the above example, supposing you are creating a new cluster, after the creation of nodes the following setups are executed (in order):

  • before_all setups: my-custom-setup-1 at all nodes

  • before setups: my-custom-setup-2 at all nodes

  • nodes setups (not necessary in order): another-example-setup and master-setup at master-nodes nodes and setup-slave-node at slave-nodes nodes.

  • after setups: my-custom-setup-3 and my-custom-setup-4 at all nodes

  • after_all setups: final_setup at all nodes

Now supposing you are resizing the already created cluster (adding more slave-nodes to it), the before_all and after_all setups will be executed in all cluster’s nodes (including the new ones, that are being added) and before, nodes and after phase setups will only be executed at nodes that are being added to the the cluster.

Other cluster’s setups optional keys

The options key can be plugged at a cluster configuration allowing some special options to cluster. The options key may have the following parameters:

code-block:: none Cluster’s options keys

Option name



Connect to a specific node when performing the cluster connect command

A example is shown below:

# Clusters must be defined inside clusters key
  # This is the cluster name
    # Additional cluster's options (optional)
      # When connecting to a cluster, connect to a master-node
      ssh_to: master-node

    # Nodes that must be created when a cluster is instantiated
      # Node named master-node
        type: aws-instance-t2.large   # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 1                      # Number of instances that must be created
        setups:                       # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the master-nodes is created (reference setup configuration names, at setups section)
        - another-example-setup
        - master-setup

      # Node named taskmanager
        type: aws-instance-t2.small  # Instance type that must be created (must match instances.yaml name)
        count: 2                     # Number of instances that must be created
        min_count: 1                 # Minimum desired number of instances that must effectively be created
        setups:                      # Optionally, list of setups to be executed when the slave-nodes is created
        - setup-slave-node

Command cluster start

Start a cluster given a cluster configuration name. The syntax of the command is shown below

clapp cluster start [OPTIONS] CLUSTER_TEMPLATE

  Start cluster based on a cluster template.

  The CLUSTER TEMPLATE is the ID of the cluster configuration at cluster
  configuration files.

  -n, --no-setup  Do not perform setup  [default: False]
  --help          Show this message and exit.

By default, the CLAP’s cluster module search for configurations at all .yaml files inside ~/.clap/configs/clusters directory. After cluster is created, the setups are automatically executed. You can omit this phase by using the --no-setup option.

An example of the command is shown below, which starts a cluster called example-cluster.

clapp cluster start example-cluster


  • After the cluster’s creation a new cluster_id will be assigned to it. Thus, multiple clusters with same cluster configuration can be launched Also, all commands will reference to cluster_id to perform their actions.

  • When a cluster is started its initial configuration is copied to cluster metadata. If you update the cluster configuration while having already started clusters use the clapp cluster update command to update the cluster configuration.

Command cluster setup

Setup an existing cluster. The command has the following syntax:

clapp cluster setup [OPTIONS] CLUSTER_ID

  Perform cluster setup operation at a cluster.

  The CLUSTER_ID argument is the id of the cluster to perform the setup

  -a, --at TEXT  Stage to start the setup action  [default: before_all]
  --help         Show this message and exit.

Given the cluster_id, the command will execute all setup phases in all cluster nodes. Some phases of the setup pipeline can be skipped informing at which phase the setup must begin with the at parameter. Examples are shown below:

clapp cluster setup cluster-faa4017e10094e698aed56bb1f3369f9
clapp cluster setup cluster-faa4017e10094e698aed56bb1f3369f9 --at "before"

In the above examples, the first one setups all cluster nodes from cluster-faa4017e10094e698aed56bb1f3369f9, the second one setups all nodes, but starting at before phase.


The before_all and after_all phases will be executed at all cluster’s nodes, even if setting the nodes parameter.

Command cluster grow

Start and add a new node to cluster, based on its cluster’s node name. The command has the following syntax:

clapp cluster grow [OPTIONS] CLUSTER_ID

  Start more nodes at a cluster by cluster node type.

  The CLUSTER_ID argument is the id of the cluster to add more nodes.

  -n, --node TEXT  Type of node to start. Format: <node_type>:<num>
  -n, --no-setup   Do not perform setup  [default: False]
  --help           Show this message and exit.

The --node parameter determines how much nodes will be added to cluster. If --no-setup is provided no setup phase will be executed.

Command cluster list

List all available CLAP’s clusters.

Command cluster alive

Check if all nodes of the cluster are alive.

Command cluster resume

Resume all nodes of the cluster.

Command cluster pause

Pause all nodes of the cluster.

Command cluster stop

Stop all nodes of the cluster, terminating them (destroying).

Command cluster list-templates

List all available cluster templates at ~/clap/configs/clusters directory.

Command cluster update

Update a cluster configuration of an already created cluster. The command’s syntax is shown below.

clapp cluster update [OPTIONS] CLUSTER_ID

  Perform cluster setup operation at a cluster.

  The CLUSTER_ID argument is the id of the cluster to perform the setup

  -c, --config TEXT  New cluster config name
  --help             Show this message and exit.

If --config option is provided, the cluster configuration will be replaced with the informed configuration. Otherwise, the cluster will be updated with the same configuration.


The configurations will be searched in ~/clap/configs/clusters directory.

Command cluster connect

Get a SSH shell to a node of the cluster. Given a cluster_id it will try to get an SSH shell to a node type specified in ssh_to cluster configuration option. If no ssh_to option is informed at cluster’s configuration the command will try to connect to any other node that belongs to the cluster.

Command cluster execute

Execute a shell command in nodes of the cluster.

Command cluster playbook

Execute an Ansible Playbook in nodes of the cluster.